Monday, 28 September 2015

RESEARCH: Jurassic World Marketing Campaign

As another part of our research into FILM TRAILERS we decided to take a look at the marketing campaigns of big hollywood films and what part the trailer plays in the marketing scheme as a whole. I looked at the FDA website  in particular the presentation called 'Inside Film Distribution. Part 1 the role of the Distributer, where Mark Read (name might be wrong) stressed the importance of the trailer in reaching cinematic audiences. He stated that is was the single most important factor in drawing audiences into cinemas. This is reflected in the BFI exit polls for example the statistics for the film FRANK show that 29% of the audience were drawn into the cinema because of the trailer. 

Thursday, 24 September 2015


This is the blog header that I have created to go at the top of my blog to make it stand out from the others. I haven't attached it to the top of my blog yet as whenever I try to attach it it doesn't look the way I want it to and I don't want it up on my blog if it looks bad.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

PLANNING: Initial Ideas

This is a screenshot of our brief MindMap that shows our ideas and what we plan to do for our teaser trailer. The right hand side represents the happy and romantic side of the story and the left hand side represents the dark and twisted side of the story. The left hand side shows options of what our plot twist could be and the two highlighted ones are the ones we think are the best options, the red one is our main choice 'physical abuse' and the blue one is our second choice/back up 'Adultery/Cheating'.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

RESEARCH: Film Education

Codes and Conventions of a Film Trailer

This is a questionnaire that I took on the Film Education website that allowed me to test my knowledge of the Codes and Conventions of a film trailer. Once I had answered all of the questions I checked my answers using its interactive facilities as it tells you how many of them you have answered correctly. 

This can be accessed following this link: Film Education Codes and Conventions Questionnaire

On this Film Education site there are many other tools, pages and documents of information which helped me learn about film trailers, how to make them and how to analyse them. I have used their framework to make my presentation on what I have learned about the codes and conventions of trailers.

Making A Trailer

After looking at the Codes and Conventions guidance provided by Film Education I continued to look through the website and found a portion of the website that give guidance and help on making a trailer. This page provides worksheets and the bottom that give very helpful guidance into making a film trailer. This page also gives you the chance the create your own trailer using a variety of clips, titles and soundtracks from a film. The film provided is A Good Day to Die Hard, directed by John Moore. This is an incredibly helpful activity as if gives you the chance to experiment with how a trailer is created and what needs to go into it. 

Making a Trailer Guideline document

From this document and activity I learned many things, for example I learned that a good soundtrack can make or break a trailer. This trailer maker gives you quite a few soundtrack options and depending on how you compiled the clips to make your trailer you have to be very careful on the soundtrack you choose and if it actually works with the trailer or not. I also learned that to create a successful trailer you have to have a huge array of different clips to choose from to give you enough variety when editing to create an intriguing trailer that people actually want to watch.

Link to mini trailer

The page also provides a set of 3 questions to answer about the film and to show what you need to be thinking about when analysing and making a trailer.

What information can you find out about the film online? Think about where the idea for the film comes from, and any other related films.

What sort of audience do you think this film likely to target?

In what ways might the trailer for this film be pitched to appeal to the audience/audiences for the film?

These questions are very helpful as they guide you in a very simple way to gather all the information you should have before you start to analyse or create a trailer of your own.


Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Click for my Trello

I have created a Trello to help myself stay on top of all the work that I need to do and to help me with time management.

Thursday, 10 September 2015


For the first two weeks of our A2 Media Studies course my group and I had decided to create a Short Film and we researching and working on Brief 10. I have taken down four of my short film analyses and kept the most relevant two up. We have since developed our idea and have decided that it would work better as a fast paced film teaser trailer.We have decided to pick Brief 2 a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with:
  • A film magazine front cover, featuring the film
  • A poster for the film